After struggling for years with an incredibly expensive insurance plan, I realized that there had to be something that I could do to make things right. I started shopping around for a business that could help me to make things right, and I was able to find an insurance policy that fit well with my budget and my lifestyle. The premiums were low and the coverage was great, which is almost unheard of these days. This blog is all about choosing incredible insurance coverage for you and your family, so that you can enjoy a happier, healthier life. Check out this blog for more information.
If you want to protect yourself against financial liability and loss, then you need to ensure that you have adequate homeowner's insurance. To ensure that you are always adequately protected, you need to review your policy coverage at least once a year. Here are a few reasons why you may find it necessary to review your coverage more than once annually.
Reason #1: You Have Acquired Additional Personal Property
If you have recently purchased high-quality, expensive, or new furniture, collectibles, artwork, or other items since the last time that you reviewed your insurance policy, it is a good idea to brush up on your coverage. If you don't, there is a chance that you may be underinsured and may lose value on your newly purchased personal belongings in the event of a fire, theft, etc.
Reason #2: You Have Installed a Swimming Pool
In insurance terms, swimming pools are considered attractive nuisances, meaning that pools may attracts neighboring kids who may use the pool when you aren't at home. Behavior like that can be incredibly dangerous, which increases your liability risk. Therefore, it is crucial that you ensure you have an adequate amount of liability coverage to ensure that you are thoroughly protected against swimming-related accidents, including those that occur when you aren't at home.
Reason #3: You Have Renovated Your Home
If your home has undergone a renovation or remodel since your last annual review, then there is a good chance that your homeowner's insurance policy will need to be increased so that it matches your home's new increased property value. Otherwise, in the event of a storm or fire occurring, the compensation that you receive from an insurance claim may not be adequate for repairs.
Reason #4: You Have Started a Home Business
If you have recently started running a home-based business of some kind, then you should talk to your insurance agent and see if your homeowner's insurance will cover it or if you need to purchase a separate business policy to cover any kind of damage that may occur to your business assets.
Reason #5: You Have Gotten a (New) Dog
Dog bites—regardless of the size of the dog—can require hundreds and sometime even thousands of dollars of medical treatment, depending on the location of the bite and age of the victim. To ensure that you aren't ruined financially if your dog bites someone else, talk to an insurance agent about equipping yourself with adequate liability homeowner's insurance.
For more information, talk to a local homeowner's insurance company.
Share22 April 2019