Choosing Incredible Insurance Coverage

After struggling for years with an incredibly expensive insurance plan, I realized that there had to be something that I could do to make things right. I started shopping around for a business that could help me to make things right, and I was able to find an insurance policy that fit well with my budget and my lifestyle. The premiums were low and the coverage was great, which is almost unheard of these days. This blog is all about choosing incredible insurance coverage for you and your family, so that you can enjoy a happier, healthier life. Check out this blog for more information.

How Can A Public Claim Adjuster Help You?

Insurance Blog

When an insurance company is trying to establish the legitimacy and value of a claim, they turn to an adjuster for guidance. It's common for people to take the insurer's word on what a claim is worth. However, you don't have to.

If you want someone to serve the same role but for you, you might hire a public insurance claim adjuster. What is a public claim adjuster, and how do they help clients, though?

The Job

An adjuster is someone who evaluates insurance claims. Most adjusters are either corporate ones who work directly for insurance companies or independent ones that companies hire. Either way, this tends to give insurers disproportionate advantages. They tend to be the ones who decide whether claims are legit, and they also dictate what most settlements are worth.

How do you offset that advantage? Hiring a lawyer might be too radical for the given circumstances, but hiring a public claim adjuster represents an in-between option.

Your adjuster would do the same job, but while representing your interests. Especially if the insurer didn't hire an independent adjuster, this can balance the tables a bit. An adjuster can help you decide what the claim is worth and whether it's time to settle. Similarly, they can help you understand the basics of the process.

Notably, everything a public insurance claim adjuster provides to a client is just information. Unless you're dealing with a claim against a no-fault insurance policy, the decision of whether to take a settlement is 100% yours.


A big part of what an adjuster does is research. Suppose you had a kitchen fire, and it has been decades since you last had a professional valuation on your home. What the heck is your home worth? Even if you know this information, you still have to figure out what a section of the home is worth in an insurance claim.

The adjuster will research local property prices, look at the condition of the kitchen, and assess how much repairs are likely to cost. If you see a major difference between your adjuster's opinion and the offer coming from the insurance company, then you can inform them of the information you have.

Support for Lawsuits

Adjusters also help their clients by giving them information for lawsuits. If the insurer won't settle, you can use your adjuster's data to support a suit. It also can help you prove you made a good-faith effort to settle the claim, allowing you to justify pursuing a case.


14 July 2021